Monday, August 30, 2010

FREEDOM ecu - explained

I don't bother to update my blog until i received a sms. The sms more like this : "wah! sampai kena tukar piston kalau nak pakai ecu ni" (in English - wow, do we need up till changing the piston only then we can use this ecu?). I was explaining regarding why i want to sell the freedom ecu. In the explanation, i wrote : "bought back from japan. And we used with not-so-high after market cams everything is ok. but our 11,000 rpm project is postponed as we cant find appropriate pistons, so if anybody want the freedom ecu, then we sell off first, we will find another solution (ecu) if we got the hardware ready"

Freedom ecu is a standalone popular made by Japanese (company name E&E). Configuration is more complex compared to a piggyback such as E-manage, Interceptor, SAFC and others. But it can control a couple more functions than an on-the-shelf piggyback can offer. for example changing rev cut from normal 8,000 rpm to 11,000 rpm. changing fuel trim map, ignition map are some other example. Popular among Toyota tuners in Japan, the interface & software are in Japanese. Only those who understands Japanese language are able to use and tune using this ecu. NO software in English, so sorry tuners who don't know Japanese! NO other options ya.
This version of my ecu, is made for Silvertop engine socket but the SVT engine uses MAP sensor. So in my case, I've made an harness to make the ecu useful for my Blacktop wiring/engine. So its plug and play. You can use normal ecu on your-not-racing day, and when the day come for full pack action, then swap to the blue-magic-thing (freedom's casing is blue in colour)
maybe the potential buyer don't know what is this freedom ecu. geeessssh, there are many types of people in this world, and I don't bother to explain to the potential buyer. hope he reads this posting.

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